Bellarine Secondary College Uniform
The rationale for our uniform is as follows:
- Safe and easy identification of students in the college grounds and local area
- A positive presentation of the college to the wider community
- Reduction of competition between students regarding clothing
- Provision of appropriate clothing for school wear
- To create a sense of identity at school and in the community
- To support a sense of pride and belonging within the school community
- To support equity amongst students
- To provide an opportunity for students to feel respect for themselves and others because of their positive
For ease of reference, dress code responsibilities are clearly articulated in the Bellarine Secondary College Student
Planner. The school community supports the enforcement of the uniform.
- The Bellarine Secondary College Council is responsible for the determination of the College uniform through
consultation with parents, students and staff. - All students are expected to wear the full school uniform, to and from school and during the school day. When
attending excursions, students must wear full school uniform unless previously indicated on the excursion
form. - All community members, parent, guardians, staff and students are responsible for supporting and
implementing the uniform policy. - Students competing in an all day sporting activity may wear their sports uniform to school on that day.
- Choice of dress for casual dress days must be appropriate for the activity of the day, not display inappropriate
slogans or mottos (racist, discriminatory, gender biased etc), must not be
overtly sexual and must include covered footwear. - All students’ clothing must be labelled and in good repair.
- Changes to the College uniform will involve consultation with parents, staff and students.
- Changes to the uniform will allow for a 12 month introduction period.
- Special provision requests are to be negotiated with an Assistant Principal or the Principal.
- Year 12 students may wear the College approved Year 12 jumper.
- Every member of the college community has a responsibility to ensure that the uniform is worn correctly.
- Students who are out of uniform must bring an explanatory note from parents/guardians then must change into loaned uniform items.
- Student uniform is monitored by the Home Group teacher.
- If a note is not provided or acceptable reason not given, then the following may occur
- A lunch–time detention may be given
- The student may not attend excursions
- Persistent breach of the uniform code will result in further after school detention/s. Parents will be informed.
- In the case of a student wearing inappropriate clothing, the Principal / Assistant Principals reserve the right to
ask that student to return home to change. Parents will be contacted prior to this action taking place. - The College will support families with the provision of uniform if they experience financial difficulty