Assessment and Reporting - Years 7 - 10
We have made some new changes to our Reports as we seek to align them with the Proficiency Scales that we are using in our classrooms. The information provided on this page provides detail in how our staff complete assessment and reporting in Years 7-10 at Bellarine Secondary College.
Essential Learnings & Proficiency Scales


Proficiency Scales
A proficiency scale is a table teachers and students use to determine a student’s current progress towards meeting the learning goals identified by the Essential Learning for unit of work. Proficiency scales indicate student achievement and use a four-point system, where a score of 3.0 indicates proficiency at the expected standard.

Proficiency Scales in Semester Reports
In Semester Reports, we report on a student’s performance against Proficiency Scales. A unit description provides a summary of the learning that occurs across the length of the unit.

Teachers make a judgement based on pre-test data about a student’s starting point, shown in the report with a white dot

A white dot is placed in the NA box if a student was absent, or the class did not complete a pre-test.

At the end of the unit of work, staff judge the student’s progress, which is identified as a Black Dot. Their unit result will also highlight their achievement with a colour for each box

If a student has completed the pre-test, a dotted line shows how much they have progressed during the unit of work.

Sudent achievement against the proficiency scales is demonstrated through the following ratings.
Advanced – | In addition to the target skills, knowledge, and understanding identified in level 3.0, a student can show the application of the Essential Learnings through in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught in the class.
Proficient – | The student demonstrated the target skills, knowledge and understanding for the unit of work
Progressing – | The student has demonstrated the pre-requisite skills and knowledge for the unit but was unable to demonstrate the target skills, knowledge and understanding for the unit of work.
Emerging – | The student has not demonstrated the target or pre-requisite skills knowledge and understanding for the unit of work.
Summative Assessments in Semester Reports
A common summative assessment is an evaluative tool teachers use to gauge students’ overall understanding and mastery of the identified Essential Learning within a unit of work.
In Semester Reports, we provide a description of the assessment tasks that students have been asked to complete.

Our Summative Assessment Tasks are graded using a percentage score.