Dogs Connect Program

Term 4, 2022 was the first full term as wellbeing dog at Bellarine Secondary College in Ocean Grove for Samson, a chocolate labrador. He currently attends 3 days a week.
“The benefits of the program for our students and staff have been incredibly valuable and heart-warming. Bellarine is a split campus school so we have been taking the transition slow to accommodate that there are 2 sites for Samson to become familiar and comfortable with.
Students have been interacting with Samson within our wellbeing programs as well as enjoying his company in the yard during breaks and before school commences. Samson spends part of his day in our ‘student support hub’ where he can be there for some affection and play to students needing a break, and support to integrate them back into their school routine.
Samson played a big role in the last few weeks of term in supporting grade 6 students to transition to high school. He has been present for group work and school tours and has brought a number of students together by facilitating interactions based around his care and affection.
Follow along on Samson’s Instagram page by scanning the QR code to see more Wellbeing fun and to see what Bellarine’s Good Boy is up to on the daily.