Bellarine Secondary College is committed to providing an orderly and structured daily program.
- To ensure that all members of the College community are aware of the structured learning time and break time during the day
- To ensure all teaching areas have equitable access to time
- To ensure the College meets the requirements for 300 minutes per day teaching time
- To ensure the timetable structure aligns with the face to face teaching time as defined in the Victorian State Schools Agreement 2013
- The orderly operation of the College is critical to students feeling safe and secure and so contributes to successful learning outcomes
- The College must provide access to 300 minutes a day of instruction time
- The structure of the College day impacts on the student capacity to learn effectively
- The structure of the College day will be reviewed annually
- The bell and activity times for the year will be published in the College Student Planner, the College website and the College Newsletter
- The College daily structure must take into account agreements in place with VET and other training organisations that Bellarine Secondary College has partnerships with
- The daily structure is:
Monday to Friday | |
8:55am | Home Group |
9:04am | Session 1 |
9:55am | Session 2 |
10:43am | Recess break |
11:08am | Session 3 |
11:56am | Session 4 |
12:44pm | Lunch break |
1:34pm | Session 5 |
2:22pm | Session 6 |
3:10pm | End of scheduled classes |
- The schedule will vary on days of assembly or other special events.
EVALUATION: This policy will be reviewed every three years or more often if necessary due to changes in regulations or circumstances
Policy number | 6.6 |
Approval date | September 2014 |
Review date | September 2017 |
DET/VRQA required | Yes |