
The course a student studies has the potential to impact on the pathways open to them following the completion of their secondary education. Accurate, timely, efficient and effective counselling is critical to students making well informed decisions. Engagement of families in making these important decisions is very important. Bellarine Secondary College must plan to optimise outcomes for students and for the resource management of the College.


  • To ensure an efficient and effective course selection process is developed and implemented across the College
  • To ensure that all students and their families are informed and involved in the process
  • To ensure timely, accurate course selection information is provided to the College Consultative Committee (CC)
  • To ensure the CC makes considered decisions and so optimises the College resources
  • To ensure staff are trained and knowledgeable and so provide accurate and timely advice to students


  • The College expects that students are committed to the choices they make
  • Learning Areas review their subject offerings in light of current trends in demand, AusVELS, Victorian Curriculum, VCE, VCAL and the College resources. Submissions to change curriculum must be approved through the Student Learning Team in term 2.
  • The College curriculum for the following year cannot be changed after the end of term 2.
  • Learning areas will identify prerequisite learning and skills and will clearly outline these in the College course documentation.
  • Course selection and course offerings will be documented and circulated to students and families at the commencement of course selection processes
  • All staff involved in the provision of advice and information to students regarding course selection or pathway planning will be uniquely skilled to do so
  • Students and families will enter subject selections on line at the appropriate time
  • The CC will use course selection information to determine the programs to run the following year


  • Term 3 will be the main time that course advice and selection processes occur
  • The Pathways and Transitions Leading Teacher will determine a timeline for information sessions, activities, advice and course selection during term 2 in consultation with the Student Learning Leaders, the Student Learning Team and the Later Years Leader
  • This timeline will be provided to the CC and the Assistant Principal responsible for College staffing in term 2
  • Professional Development will be provided to staff involved in  pathway planning and subject selection to ensure staff are  skilled
  • The Student Learning Team will seek and process any changes to curriculum from Learning Areas during term 2. The Student Learning Leader will provide timely advice, materials and input regarding curriculum offerings to the Pathways and Transitions Leader
  • The Pathways and Transitions Leader will lead the development of course documents including prospectuses, handbooks, parent information leaflets and newsletters. College administration staff will assist with the production of these materials
  • Course information sessions will be developed to ensure all students receive adequate time to consider their choices. Courses entered on line will be assumed to be the student final choice
  • Applications to change course selections must be made through the Pathways and Transitions Leader and an Assistant Principal or the Principal. Changes will only be granted on the basis of pathway planning.
  • Students must select their VET program at the time of online course entry. Should the course not run or they not be accepted, they will choose their further subject from the available units of study on the grid so as to minimise any change to their course
  • Year 10 students can only undertake a VET subject if approved by the Principal or an Assistant Principal. Approval will only be granted if the VET subject supports the student’s pathway.
  • Students who have not completed their course selection on line by the due date will have the established grid and vacancies to select from




This policy will be reviewed every three years or more frequently if necessary due to changes in regulations or circumstances

Policy number3.2
Approval dateSeptember 2014
Review dateSeptember 2017
DET/VRQA requiredNo