
Bellarine Secondary College acknowledges that all students have the right to an enrolment in a Victorian Government school. Bellarine Secondary College is committed to building a community inclusive of all students and responsive to the Bellarine community.


  • To guide the College in ensuring enrolment processes are inclusive, value diversity and respond to community needs
  • To provide an efficient process of enrolment that satisfies the needs of both students and the school


  • Department of Education and Training (DET) policies regarding student enrolment will be followed by Bellarine Secondary College
  • Information regarding the enrolment of overseas students will be obtained from the International Student Program of DET
  • Students with Disabilities and Impairments will be enrolled along with all other eligible children with consideration being made to the capacity of the College to deliver the best educational program available
  • Parents are responsible for providing current and correct enrolment details for the duration of a student enrolment
  • Both parents are entitled to receive information regarding and provide input into the education of their child. Parents are responsible for informing the College of any court orders or access restrictions applying to the student being enrolled. Original court documents are to be provided to the College and copies taken for College records
  • In certain circumstances admission to the College following enrolment may be delayed whilst arrangements to meet the special needs of the enrolled student are established
  • Students wishing to enrol from another secondary school will be able to do so on the condition that the principal of the previous school is in agreement with the transfer, or if there has been a change of address that places the student closer to Bellarine Secondary College than the previous school, or if the student seeking enrolment is from a non-government school


  • All enrolments will require the completion of the DET ‘Confidential Student Information Enrolment Form’, with details entered onto CASES21
  • Parent provided documents pertaining to court orders will be filed with the student enrolment information
  • All students will be given a unique student identification number known as the ‘Victorian Student Number’.
  • Staff will be made aware of any medical or access alerts related to the student enrolled
  • A Bellarine Secondary College Assistant Principal will contact principals of previous schools of all students seeking transfers to discuss the circumstances of the transfer and to discuss any academic or behavioural matters. The College Principal has the authority to defer admission in order that enquiries of the previous school are carried out in the interests of the student
  • Student course selection and class allocation will be addressed at the time of enrolment and a program best suited to the student pathway plan provided wherever possible
  • The College will provide transition support to all enrolling students and their families
  • The College will provide enrolment advice and assistance for students incorporating a VET study through an external RTO

REFERENCES    http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/principals/participation/Pages/enrolment.aspx

Policy number6.5
Approval dateSeptember 2014
Review dateSeptember 2017
DET/VRQA requiredNo

EVALUATION:    This policy will be reviewed every three years or more often if necessary due to changes in regulations or circumstances