Career choice is often a confusing and stressful process for students and families.  The correct matching of a student’s abilities, desires and ambitions with a career path that will prove fruitful, enjoyable and realistic is an important process in any student’s education. Bellarine Secondary College is committed to providing access to a diverse range of programs incorporating personalised pathways learning and planning across years 7 – 12.


  • To ensure the College has processes and procedures in place that provide a diverse curriculum to students
  • To ensure that students participate in a structured and staged program ensuring their understanding of the link between study and career pathways develops across years 7 – 12
  • To guide processes to ensure access to workplace experience at points in time across their years of study


  • Bellarine Secondary College is committed to providing high quality career, education and training advice complemented by excellent programs and resources
  • Meeting the individual needs of students and supporting their families through this process is a priority of the College
  • Workplace learning is a critically important aspect of developing an understanding of the workforce


  • A skilled and experienced Pathways and Transitions Leading Teacher will lead the team of staff working in the pathways program of the College
  • The Pathways and Transitions Leading Teacher will collaborate with the Later Years Leading Teacher, the Careers Advisor, the VCAL Leader and the Workplace Learning Officer
  • The Pathways and Transitions Leading Teacher will provide skilled and timely advice to the Student Learning Team regarding curriculum and programs offered by the College to ensure a diverse and inclusive program is available to students
  • The Pathways and Transitions team will provide professional career education and advice, Managed Individual Pathways (MIPs) and quality education programs leading to an easier transitioning into tertiary education programs and employment.
  • The Pathways and Transitions Leading Teacher will, through the program budget submission process, seek the resources and equipment required to provide high quality careers advice
  • The Pathways and Transitions Leader and Careers Advisor will be encouraged and expected to attend careers professional development, and be knowledgeable regarding all of the careers, training and further education programs offered by the Department of Education
  • The Pathways and Transition Leader, Careers Advisor, VCAL Leader and Workplace Learning Officer will provide students access to a wide variety of programs including work experience, structured workplace learning, guest speakers, Mock Job Interviews and Vocational Education Training to enhance their ability to make informed decisions relating to their future options
  • The Pathways team will support students in achieving successful pathways through and beyond the school through the provision of targeted programs such as; the Hands on Learning Program, Bellarine Estate Program and the Ready-Set-Work Project and the Geelong Tertiary Futures Program (GTFP)
  • The Pathways Leading Teacher will ensure that students, staff and parents are knowledgeable in relation to Government initiatives such as MIPs, VET, SbATs, VCAL and LLENS and provide guidance and support as appropriate
  • The Careers Advisor will be allocated a time allowance to coordinate the VET program and to provide timely careers advice to community members
  • The Pathways Leading Teacher will ensure that parents and students are made aware of the clear link between subject choices and career options or future educational alternatives, and that all parties are well informed of the long term ramifications of subject choices
  • The Pathways Leading Teacher and the Careers Advisor will ensure that VCE students have access to appropriate career, education and training advice at both VTAC Application and Change of Preference times so that students who seek tertiary education maximise their chances of receiving a tertiary placement offer
  • The Pathways Leading Teacher will lead the Pathways team to support VCE students who sought tertiary placements but were unsuccessful
  • The Pathways team will ensure Career Action Plans are completed by all students from Years 7-12 and that modified plans are made available for young people with specific needs; for example students with disabilities, students in out of home care and Koorie students




EVALUATION This policy will be reviewed every three years or more often if necessary due to changes in regulations or circumstances

Policy number3.1
Approval dateJune 2016
Review dateJune 2019
DET/VRQA requiredNo